How it Works?

Biosphere Balancer # 1 communicates a 7.83 hertz Schumann frequency, which is the same as the earth’s. This frequency grounds and energies the body. The 7.83 frequency along with 4 other frequencies will override damaging microwave towers, cell phone frequencies with radiation blocking. The electro-magnetic field form a living organism (bio-field) is distinct from the electro-magnetic field from a man-made device like a cell phone.

The Biosphere Balancer, changes the structure of the electro-magnetic field of your cell phone to more closely resemble that of a bio-field. This causes the phone to be less disruptive to normal biological processes.

There’s a problem that more and more people like yourself are learning about – the fact that cell phones are affecting your health. It’s because they are microwave transmitters.

The biosphere transforms the radiation emitted by your phone to make it less harsh on your body. Cell phone radiation is a problem that is impossible to fix with standard technology because these devices must transmit microwave radiation or they simply will not work. It requires unconventional technology like the biosphere if you are not ready to ditch your cell phone.

The body experiences more energy, balance, strength and even more clear thinking.

The Balancer # 1, also contain information that correct bodily functions, inform the autonomic nervous system so that the body can correct itself. This is similar to the way Spy software corrects computer viruses. Many times headaches are compared to the warning lights on a car’s dashboard. If the body knows how to correct itself, the migraine headache goes away. Biosphere # 1 is only to be worn in the daytime, when a person is not sleeping. There are three different lower frequencies for sleeping and that is where Biosphere II. It is a different Band to be used at night. We suggest you go on line and order Biosphere II at Because this product has not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. By law, we must state that the Biosphere Balancer does not claim to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. But, rather, is a Scientific Experiment in the process of discovering new medical treatments.


– The biosphere a new technology that gives you strength, balance and energy that you have to experience to believe. The body could be compared to a radio station that is not tuned to the right radio frequency. If it is off by .001 it will not sound well. Being properly tuned is called by some as “Proton Alignment Resonance technology” (P.A.R.T.), which aligns the nucleus of minerals at a subatomic level. Let’s make it simpler to understand.

– The human body is a high tech computer. It works through the subconscious. We have an autonomic nervous system, so we do not go into brain overload. We are not consciously aware of the body healing itself, or how the autonomic nervous system activates the brain center. However, much of our brain is being used for that purpose.

– Biosphere communicates information to the body, and then the body knows how to correct the pain and balance itself. The body experiences more energy, more clear thinking, and less pain.

– We really are reentering a new era of science as finally some of the science fiction of yesteryear is becoming the reality of today.

– In this case were talking “Hyperdimensional Physics” a term which should properly be given to men like James Clerk Maxwell and Nikola Tesla but being used by current Scientific Researchers like Thomas Bearden and Richard Hoagland and spoken about on his website. Yet it is not new era. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann discovered this over a century ago. It is called Homeopathy and it tells the body how to correct itself.

– Biosphere Balancer works by giving information to the body, informing it how to correct itself and then protect itself. Albert Einstein’s famous E=mc2 mathematically described how matter is nothing more then a form of energy, and that all energies vibrate. A century ago there were over 100 hospitals using this technology. Stanford University, Boston University and New York Medical collage teaching these concepts. However the pharmaceutical corps. and the AMA, found there was much more money in drugs, despite their side effects.

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