About Us
what our bands do
Biosphere Balancer promotes a sustainable, preventative healthcare wellness model focused on properly maintaining our body’s subtle energy field more commonly known as the biofield.
Biosphere Balancer’s quantum physicist has over 20 years of human energy research yielding a highly effective, 100% safe, holistic energy balancing technology called BioField Technology™ .

In a world where our biofields are under constant attack from the unnatural energy fields and electromagnetic pollution of our daily environments, we believe proper care of your biofield is an important, essential preventative healthcare measure for the 21st century.
Biosphere Balancer’s proprietary, nano based BioField Technology™ not only improves the biofields of people but also can positively impact anything biological which includes the biofields of plants and animals as well.*
Our Vision
As both developer and manufacturer of Biosphere Balancer BioField Technology™ products,
Our vision is to provide a solution and preventative healthcare remedy to the growing concern over the many unnatural energies that are polluting our daily lives potentially disrupting our health.
Our solution is a simple Energy Balance System™ comprised of user friendly products infused with BioField Technology™. Our products are designed to be incorporated into your life’s daily activities for the purpose of balancing your personal energy system and and improving your quality of life.
Contact Us
8am to 5pm
(785) 672-3141